Workshop | Agenda
Since 2017, artistic director Sita Ostheimer is guiding and sharing her philsophy in masterclasses and workshops for the international contemporary dance scene.
Today, as well her company members offer to share her new perspectives, artistic development and critical reflections on one moving self.
By inviting different movers into our univers, we aim to inspire and support students from profession-oriented bachelor programmes, postgraduate contemporary dance companies as well as through professional training cycles.Within a strong insight to improvisation, company repertoire and research, we offer the opportunity to learn, feel and understand how we awaken an unheard powerful inner voice, from where movement arises naturally, furthermore understand where technique and skill connects to this very starting point of humanness.
Sita Ostheimer is founder of the Complex Simplicity technique
and organiser of SitaOstheimerWorkshops
ongoing since 2007
Founder of COMPLEX SIMPLICITY technique
Since 2018 at Eden Studios***** Berlin
Company Masterclasses
Hofesh Shechter Company / NDT I /
Paris Opera / Staatsballett Berlin / The Royal
Danish Ballet / Aterballetto
Contemporary Dance Intensive Workshop,Porto /
B12 Festival Berlin 2017- 2019 /
One Small Step Festival, Corfu ‘17-18 /
Deltebre Dansa festival, Spain ‘18-’24 /
Kinissis Festival, Chile ‘23 /
Dance Days Chania, Greece ‘24 /
Complex Simplicity Workshops Berlin by Sita
Ostheimer since 2018.
Paris Conservatoire / HfMDK Frankfurt /
Iwanson International school of contemporary dance /
The Place London / Verve - Northern School of
contemporary dance / SEAD - experimental academy of
dance Salzburg / Mentor at International Contemporary
Dance Program, NOD Torino (2020) / Mentor program The
Place London 2024.

quicker updates on Instagram
July 01.- 05. 2025 | Eden Studios***** Berlin | Sita Ostheimer Workshops organisation
Complex Simplicity Workshop
information arriving early 2025 first at
April 21. - 25. 2025 | Atlas Festival Mexico
Complex Simplicity Workshop
register information at
Complex Simplicity Workshop
advanced ( only workshop in Berlin 2024)
Sita Ostheimer Workshops organisation
Dock11 Eden Studios***** Berlin | Breite Str. 43
June 24 - 27 | 11am - 2pm
This workshop is for professional dancers
We will take time to further discover your authenticity in the quality of your movements and presence.
We will soften thought and physical patterns, which might take unnecessary energy of the mind and body.
Moving towards a more efficient, attentive, physical opening and joyful approach to our ongoing study as a professional dancer.
Each day the dancers will be guided through Sita’s improvisation technique.
Recognising tension, breaking unconscious movement habits through connecting to weight.
This workshop enables participants to be in control of their own physical instrumentand qualities,
continue growing creatively, technically and emotionally. Sita works with a game of images, situations, feelings, rhythm, to support individual research on one’s own totality in ever changing circumstances.
Her physicality is built on full, embodied, fast, rhythmical changes of emotions and images.
With this preparation, the dancers then move into learning a given choreography, exploring how to find oneself in learning situations, and absorbing the material. Sita’s movement language is expressive, fluent, sensual and earthy. The unique, animalistic movement language that arises from human instincts is her particular and peculiar signature in dance.
Apply until 02. June 2024
by sending an email including
short Info about your previous work experiences,
if and where you have taken another workshop with Sita before
and a video of an improvisation, no longer than 1 min. (video only for new comers needed )

Photo Noriko Nishidate | Full Circle by Sita Ostheimer with Staatstheater Braunschweig
Complex Simplicity & Creation Workshop
advanced (last of the year 2023)
Sita Ostheimer Workshops organisation
This times Complex Simplicity Workshop week is designed for dancers which have taken at least one week of an Intensive Workshop with Sita Ostheimer. Exceptions possible!
The week will consist of morning sessions of Sita’s improvisation technique, giving you the time to arrive into your moving and feeling body and continue learning about your moving system.
Followed by space and time to experience and move through a creation process with Sita, while continuing studying ones own thought process in connection to moving, learning, creating, understanding self responsibility, group engagement , commitment and its impact on movement and growth.
Living and breathing in the moving body, loving the complexity in within. Connecting to pleasure, focus, acceptance, awareness, thoughtfulness, commitment, sensuality,
strength, vunerablity and humanness in motion.
where Eden Studios***** Berlin
when 14 - 18 August 2023 | 11:00 - 16:00 (17:00)
on 18. August there will be a 2h window for audience to sneak in and out of the studio.
Fee 285 EUR
please send a
very short video of an improvisation moving the body in totality, with the main focus on your sit bones and forehead
and let us know where and you have taken another workshop with Sita Ostheimer.
application open until 10. August

Photo Albert Vidal / Vèrtex Comunicació for KDF
pop up
Complex Simplicity Workshop
Menashe Dance House | Israel
28 July 2023

Complex Simplicity
Introduction | Intensive
Kalamata Dance Festival
19 - 22 July 2023
register and Information
Complex Simplicity
Padova Danza
June 27 - 30 | 2023
10:00 to 13:00
Sita Ostheimer accompanied by
translater and assistant Sita Ostheimer Company dancer Elena Martello
Open to internal and external with contribution (5€ of membership, if you do not have a valid ASI card)
Free workshop for Padova Danza Project and Giovani Promesse students!
PADOVS DANZS Via Antonio Grassi, 33 Padova.
Info and reservations: info@padovadanza.it

Complex Simplicity
Introduction | Intensive
Le Facteur Paris
20 -22 June | 2023
from 14:00-18:00
Sita Ostheimer
(choreographer & artistic director Sita Ostheimer Co)
is coming in Paris for an exceptional 3 day
OPUS workshop!
(For professional dancers and performers)
At the studio "May B" - Micadanses,
15 Rue Geoffroy l'Asnier, 75004 Paris, France.
How much?
For 3 days -> Early bird
(for the first 15 participants): 100€ / Full price: 120€.
ATTENTION : no daily registration!
Online booking required: https://bit.ly/OpusSitaOstheimer

Complex Simplicity pluS
Sita Ostheimer Workshops organisation
with Sita Ostheimer & Attila Ronai
15.- 19. May 2023
Eden Studios***** | Dock11

Complex Simplicity
Sita Ostheimer Workshops organisation
16.- 20. May 2022
Eden Studios***** | Dock11

Complex Simplicity
StudioProArte Freiburg
10.- 12. April 2022

Complex Simplicity
Bad Lemons Project
25.- 27. March 2022
Bad Lemons Project
professional training, training exchange and research projects | Munich

Research Lap with Sita Ostheimer
paid opportunity
25.- 27. March 2022
Bad Lemons Project
professional training, training exchange and research projects | Munich
more info at:
Bad Lemons Project invites dancers to apply for a Research Project with Sita
Ostheimer as part of the OASIS project. Working with 5 artists, Sita invites you to
support and give time for her further investigation of the translation and
transformation of the essence of her work through a camera lense.
In this three days research lab, Sita will give you an insight of her physicality and
philosophy of the moving and present body, creating material for you, which she
then brings in front of the camera lense. This research lab is for professional dancers only, selected by Bad Lemons together with Sita Ostheimer.
Preferably participants of the workshop mentioned above.
The sharing of the lab's work will be in the form of the film publication on social media.
A love story between Night and Chaos https://vimeo.com/671713043
The dimension of beauty is closely tied to silence https://vimeo.com/671439913
D A N C E https://vimeo.com/660503503
sponsored by NeuStartKultur | Diehl + Ritter | Landeshauptstadt München Kulturreferat |
TanzQuelle | Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
Complex Simplicity
21.02.- 03.03. 2022
NOD | Nuova Officina della Danza
free for 3 external dancers


Complex Simplicity
Sita Ostheimer Workshops organisation
24.- 28. January 2022
Dock11 Berlin | Eden Studios
11:00 - 14:00
5 days | 210,-
register only under
please send a short Bio and video.

August | September
Sita Ostheimer Workshops organisation
23. | 26. | 30. August 2021
02. | 07. | 09. September 2021
Dock11 Berlin
10:30 - 13:00
registration only under
(until 3 days before each day)
limited to 15 participants
for professional dancers
You will be guided through a specific improvisation technique, which brings you in touch with your understanding of the moving body, thought process and emotions.
Connecting to movements through senses, visualisations, imagination
and rhythm. Tension and limits will be recognized and unlocked, new pathways discovered.
In the second half we apply this
technique/awareness of the
learning process of choreographed material.
The movement language
is expressive, fluent, sensual,
groovy and grounded.
Participants need to show proof of being tested/ recovered or vaccinated

2 weeks intensive training
2021 June 21 - July 02
INFO FOR REGISTRATION under this email address:
Each day the dancers will be guided through an improvisations’ technique. This technique gives the opportunity to discover and work with their connection between mind and body. Recognising tension and breaking unaware movement habits, in order to be in control of their own physical instrument and continue growing creatively, technically and emotionally.
Taking this preparation to then move over to learning given choreography,exploring how to find yourself in learning situation and taking on material.
Sita works with a game of images, situations, feelings, rhythm,
to support your research on your very own totality in ever changing circumstances. Her physicality is built on full embodied fast rhythmical changes of emotions and Images.
The movement language is expressive, fluent, sensual and earthy. The unique animalistic movement language that arises from our human instincts is her particular and peculiar signature in dance.
Complex Simplicity
professional intensive training / Berlin
2021 April 6 - 9 & May 25 -28
where: Dock11 Eden Studios / Berlin
time: 11:00 - 14:30
price: 185 EUR
level: advanced ( professional! )
In the first half of the training you will be guided through a specific improvisation technique, which brings you in touch with your understanding of the moving body, thought process and emotions.
Connecting to yourself with senses, visualisations, imagination and continues moving.
Tension will be unlocked in order for new pathways to be discovered and developed.
You have the possibility to recognise thought patterns and their influence on your movements capacity.
In the second half of the training we apply this technic/awareness to the learning process of choreographed material.
The movement language is expressive, fluent, sensual, groovy, rhythmical and earthy.
Application guidlines:
OPEN ONLY BETWEEN 01. & 15.March!!!
Applications before or after won't be considered, neither private messages.
The number of participants is extremely limited for the May workshop.
This number could change according to Covid regulations.
Please apply by sending a
mentioning the MONTH you are applying for
in the subject of mail,
no longer than 45sec.
Please send the application email to: